Title Selected as the 'Hidden Champion company in the materials, components, and equipment industry'
Attachment global news letter vol.18(20.11).jpg  

Selected as the 'Hidden Champion company 

in the materials, components, and equipment industry'

FRTek has been selected as the 'Hidden Champion company in the materials, components, and equipment industry' by the 'Ministry of SMEs & Startups', and has participated in the inauguration ceremony on November 26th to receive the selection letter. 



※ Purpose of Selection: To select 100 promising SMEs and foster them so that they can increase technological independence on the material, components, and equipment industry and contribute to the creation of new future industries. 

※ Competition rate : Total of 779 SMEs applied, final competition rate of 17:1

※ Technology Growth Strategy : 5G 28GHz Repeater supporting beam forming

※ Validity Period: November 4, 2025



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