Title FRTek attending the CCA(Competitive Carriers Association) event in Las Vegas
Attachment global news letter vol.10(18.04).pdf  

FRTek attending the CCA(Competitive Carriers Association) event

in Las Vegas

April 2018





 On March 27th & 28th, FRTek attended the  Competitive Carriers Association Event in Las Vegas.  This event was previously known as the Rural Carriers Association.


 This event is held bi-annually by the holders of RSA (Rural) licenses.  Verizon & AT&T are not invited to attend this event.  100% of the

exhibitor booths are occupied by vendors who are focusing on broadening their customer base to include these Wireless Operators.  At

this year’s event, there were over 1000 people in attendance.


 All visitors to the FRTek booth were VERY impressed with the fact that we had deployed the first 5G DAS at the PyeongChang 2018

Winter Olympics with KT! 



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